The kids always make noise wanna eat pizza back in Malaysia. Eating pizza is a costly deal over here, one large pizza cost Malaysia Ringgit RM32 minimumly, which, to us, is cost USD30 if u are comparing 1 to 1 exchange rate, and the so called "large" size is not as large as in US.
I decided to make the pizza dough from sctrach today. Steps is simple, add dry yeast into the flour, add water and oil/shortening, i add in one egg too. Knead 15 minutes, wait for dough to raise takes 1 hour. Flatten the raised dough on a flat surface by rolling pin, transfer the flatten dough into your baking pan (spray some oil b4 hand), and start to decorate your topping as u wish. I used Cheddar Cheese instead of Mozarrela Cheese back in Malaysia, due to the fact that, Mozarrela Cheese is damn expensive here!! a small pack of mozarrela cheese easily cost u RM14, which is not cost effective if u were to bake home made pizza at all.

kids can't wait to post in front the pizza when it is just hot from oven.

Seafood alfredo pizza...with lots of shrimp as topping!

oven temperature: 200'c, baking time: 18-20 minutes
Introduction to Malaysia/Penang street food: Curry Mee (Curry broth noodle)咖喱面

look at this yummy and delicacy Curry Noodle! the main tempting effect of this little bowl noodle comes from the creamy, rich coconut milk based broth, seasoning with lots of curry, chili and spice to make up the rich broth. The dark brown color gravy in the scoop is so-called special "curry paste". Without this special paste, the broth color is light and a bit taste-less! This high calories food normaly garnish with peppermint, shrimp, pig blood (in cube), fry tofu and bean sprout. This local delight represent a real Malaysian flavour due to the thick coconut milk essence!
Chai Kuih 菜馃(dumpling)T

This is a type of snack food originate from the Teow Chew (潮州人) decent Chinese, the filling is usually 沙葛(sengkuang) or 韭菜。Sorry for not able to translate these 2 words in English. Dip the dumpling with sweet chili sauce.
那个咖哩面和dumpling是不是靠近burma road??
I see lots of shrimps in your pizza, must be good. I see my favorite chai kuih too, YUM!
Hey, your pizza looks really great! I've got to try it.
Sock Peng, the curry mee is in Pulau Tikus, beside Burmah House building.
Ching Ching, the pizza taste ok ok nia lah! i still like Round table Pizza the most lah!! can't resist their white sauce taste pizza:)
Asian mommy, thanks! how shd i address u? nice to know u online.
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