Thanks to Heather as my cooking coach:)
This is called Otak-otak
(Fish Mousse Grilled on a Banana Leaf)
To learn more about otak-otak, click HERE
Otak-otak recipe from web, click HERE
i m not a typical Otak-otak fan but i don't reject if some one treat me or approach me to buy.
A nyoya aunty approach me today while we were having lunch in one of the local cafe in Burmah Road, Penang about this, her home made otak-otak. One piece cost RM2.50.
Chendol is so much a delightful dessert u should never missed if u visit South East Asia, particularly Malaysia and Singapore. Being in a all year long big sunshine state, Malaysian always favor ice shaved dessert top with lots of sweetern milk, coconut milk or palm sugar. We purposely went for this Chendol food advanture today afternoon after completed our lunch (where i hv my otak-otak). Guess i didnt "visited" this stall for the past 10 years!!
Red jag is red bean, white jag is coconut milk, green jag is full of Chendol
Then the shaved ice is scoop into the bowl, top with chendol, red bean, palm sugar and coconut milk. Here u go! i bet u will never go wrong with this dessert when u r under the hot sun in Malaysia!
Look at my awful look when conquering a bowl of chendol in my hand! Despite the keep growing big tummy, we basically can't resist good street food in Malaysia, m i rite!?

i found a pretty detailed Chendol recipe HERE. If u miss your chendol while u r in oversea, tell me if this recipe really works for u!
(Fish Mousse Grilled on a Banana Leaf)
To learn more about otak-otak, click HERE
i m not a typical Otak-otak fan but i don't reject if some one treat me or approach me to buy.
A nyoya aunty approach me today while we were having lunch in one of the local cafe in Burmah Road, Penang about this, her home made otak-otak. One piece cost RM2.50.
This is a real live street food scenario where vendors selling food at street or roadside, while food lover buy and enjoy the food just right beside the stall by standing (as no table or chair is provided)
i found a pretty detailed Chendol recipe HERE. If u miss your chendol while u r in oversea, tell me if this recipe really works for u!
aiyo , u look slim lah.....
aiyo, 你太看得起我了。。你还没有见到真人在你面前啦!
Oh, I love this kind of Penang otak-otak, I had one when I was back in M'sia, $4 a small packet but very fragrant. Luckily we can buy cendol here, so ok lah.
sis, the vietnamese spring roll, what kinds of herbs again? Coriander, basil, bean sprout and what more? Tong fen? I see you have prawns, must cook separately? And the fish sauce, what do u have in the sauce? Chopped garlic, chili, what herbs?
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