I wanna say Thank You Very Much to Heather, my Vietnamese friend, who teach me how to prepare and wrap the spring roll and how to prepare the fish sauce dip. I promise i will make this and share with my Malaysian friends back in Malaysia.
About 10 rice paper wrappers
LettuceCucumber, cut into long slices
Fresh herbs: mint, cilantro, basil, vietnamese coriander, balm or perillaBean sprouts
Rice Vermmicili (米粉)
1. In bowl of warm water, dip each rice paper wrapper for about 3-5 seconds (depending on rice paper thickness). Do not over soak your rice paper wrapper! Place on work service and allow rice paper to soak up water and become gelatinous and pliable (about 30 seconds to 1 minute, again, depending on the thickness rice paper).
2. On top 1/3 side closest to you, lay lettuce on the bottom for added strength to the wrapper. Then place cooked shrimp, cooked rice vermmicili, herbs and other vegetables. Roll up spring roll about 1/3 way through, then fold in the sides.
3. Serve with hoisin peanut dip or fish sauce dip. Heavenly!
thanks your recipe sharing!!
u look like very sad.....
We love Vietnamese spring roll, very refreshing.
Be optimistic, think of the bright side, you might be able to visit again next year, there's always the possibility right? :)
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