Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cheated Rempah Udang (Pulut Udang)

The inti

base layer is pulut, top one layer of inti, and top another layer of pulut. put into oven to grill for 20 minutes to make out the "crunchy" and grilling effect.

Just too missed this Malay kuih very much lately. The pulut and the aromatic grated coconut "inti", it is just too tempting! Authentic Malaysian taste huh.

Just lazy to get the frozen banana leaf from the Korean groceries store nearby! I started to make my own cheated rempah udang right away today with all the ingredient ready except banana leaf.

My pulut is something like a Nasi Kunyit version, add in tumeric powder into pulut soaking water right before tranfer it to steamer.

The inti is a combination consist of grated coconut, shallot, garlic, coriander seed powder and red chili which brings to a very authentic aroma of Malay cuisine. For details of recipe, get it from:

The taste is fabulous, at least to me and my kids...haha. They just love it as they can take spicy food.

More Sausage and Bacon Buns for Friends

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Butter Roll 制作成功!

今天和朱妈妈约好11.30am 到她家学做butter roll, 内陷有咖喱鸡和叉烧肉两种。面粉团是用bread maker 捏和发酵的,为时一小时半,非常简单和方便。


我决定要买面包机了!!好让我疼爱的老公和小孩天天可以尝到妈咪亲手制作新鲜出炉的bread loaf 和butter roll/bun. 健康又有益。

Thursday, September 18, 2008


William @ 17 mths old Benjamin @ 6 months old

William (2 yr old) Benjamin (7 mths old) William (27 months old ) & Benjamin (8 mths old)

Latest! William at 5, Ben at 3


老公把旧照片copy过来我的laptop, 我便随意开来看一看,毕竟好久都没看了,也几乎忘了小孩三岁前的模样。

一连打开了好几个folder, 有照片,也有video clip, 看着看着,不禁已泪流满面。。。原来,这些年来,也没有好好去回顾孩子的成长历程, 好多他们的小动作和滑稽的表情回忆,都被忙碌的日子冲淡了。会流泪是因为想起照顾他们的辛酸,现在想起来,也特别有感触。



最近在一个gathering 上认识了朱妈妈,她来美国帮刚生小孩的媳妇作月子和照顾小孩, 他儿子也是intel Penang 的啦。

朱妈妈好棒,她是一个退休的白衣天使也!一辈子都在医院服务, 任劳任怨。我喜欢和她谈话,闲谈之中,可以从中学习他那种豁达的精神,凡事顺其自然,尽我们所能就好。




We hv a small BBQ at our little apartment on 14th Sept (Sun), it is Autum Festival! It is the very 1st time in my life celebrating Autum festival in overseas. The moon on day 15th of chinese lunar calender didnt seem to be bigger or rounder in the US...印证了国外的月亮不一定特别圆!

Anyway, it is fun to organise a small BBQ and hv enjoy it...We did it among us and my Taiwanese couple family. They brought over many dishes while we prepared mine. Check it out! The kids were so much enjoy the companion and the food.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Curry Chicken Puff

想念许久的curry puff, 终于作出来了。好好吃!外皮酥脆,内馅juicy,咖喱味恰到好处,第一次做有这种成绩我也很满意了。下一次作会把外皮的线条再捏的细腻一些。最开心的是老公说好吃!套一句:Ho Jiak!

Monday, September 8, 2008


台湾姐妹淘嚷着超想念台湾小吃筒仔米糕,我略翻查了网络, 上个周末把材料买好,今天和她约定尝试作这一道小食。味道还不赖耶!SJ,谢谢你的支持和鼓励哦!我们改天就定每个礼拜就下厨弄些私房菜吧。。我们弄得开心,小孩也吃得开心!厨房就定时会有不同的美味散发在空气中。超棒!


把layout 和template改了,upload了小孩的照片上去, 整体看来好多了。欢迎你来到我的小小天地,品尝我的阿虹私房菜,和我的两个小精灵的成长旅程碑。

愿William 乖乖去上学吧!


因为突然想吃nasi lemak, 结果午夜十二点钟弄了这道宵夜。你说我疯了也好,不顾健康也罢,我是真的很想家,很怀念大马啦!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Hokkien Prawn Mee and Banana Cake

recipe Coutersy of Low from

Penang Prawn Mee (Hokkien Mee)

i miss my home town food so much...i decided to make the Penang Prawn Mee from sctrach, thanks for the recipe from Low, i oso tried the Banana Cake from your site, and it works! my hubby just love it and has severa lbites on the cake. Perfect!!

1 year anniversary

i have not been writing anything on my blog ever since i created it in Sept 2007!

Time flies and it is now Sept 2008! i wonder how i spend my 365 days all these while....

Btw, i shd not feel so much guilt for these past 365 days cause i m traveling to the US and has been here since Feb 08.

Life is beautiful for the past 7 months here in Folsom, CA...too bad we r heading bck to Malaysia soon in Nov. I know i will miss all the bit and pieces here. We hope to come back again some time next year.